071 876 8202 / 011 966 5249 admin@mhprehab.co.za

Physiotherapy Sandton

We aim to help clients with physical, cognitive or functional limitations.

Book your appointment Today

Call us with any questions

 Cell: 071 876 8202   | Tel: 011 966 5249

Stroke & Brain Injury

The strength of our stroke rehabilitation program is the broad range of unified services we provide, administered by our accomplished staff

Amputee Rehabilitation

At RehabMatters, we understand the adversity that people face when losing a limb. Our compassionate and highly skilled specialists and therapists offer a full range of rehabilitation and support services.

Injury & Disease

The road to recovery can be long and incredibly difficult, but with an accomplished team of professional to guide and support you, it can become much more comfortable

Post Operative Care

Often, the surgery is the beginning of the journey. Post-operative rehabilitation will help you regain as much of the form and function you experienced before your operation as possible.

Back & Neck Pain

If you have back or neck pain, you are not alone. For some people, back pain can return or hang on, leading to a decrease in quality of life or even to disability.


Neurorehabilitation often involves teaching people how to move, talk, think and care for themselves again.

MH&P Office
First Floor, North Block
200 Rivonia Medical Centre
200 Rivonia Road
Cell: 071 876 8202
Tel: 011 966 5249

Emergency Numbers
Cell: 071 876 8202
Tel: 011 966 5249
